Experience Matters: Measuring the True Impact of Experience Design Through Synergi

Experience Matters: Measuring the True Impact of Experience Design Through Synergi

We have all experienced the everyday annoyances caused by poor design—whether it be the frustration of not being able to open plastic packages without scissors, the irritation of navigating a convoluted website where finding simple information feels like a treasure hunt, or the hassle of using a complex remote control just to change the channel. These poorly conceived designs can derail our experiences.

On the other hand, think about the convenience of a well-designed mobile banking app that streamlines financial transactions, or consider a pharmacy delivery service that brings medicine to your door at all hours, ensuring you don’t need to leave the house when you’re feeling sick and allowing access to medication even outside of normal business hours.

Although well-designed experiences can have a clear value to users, how does this translate to value for your business? At Immersion Group, we specialise in proving the business worth of such initiatives, ensuring that every project delivers measurable business benefits and satisfies stakeholder expectations.

To effectively demonstrate this value, we’ve created Synergi, our first end-to-end process leveraging AI and visual development. These projects showcase both the tangible and intangible benefits of design initiatives, providing clear evidence of their worth. At Immersion Group, we excel at illuminating the true impact of experience design, proving that our meticulously crafted experiences not only engage users but also drive business success and cost savings. This article explores how we at Immersion Group measure and communicate the value of our work through comprehensive strategies, leveraging our extensive expertise in experience engineering.

The Journey Begins: Understanding Synergi

At the heart of any transformative experience design initiative is the need to demonstrate its value clearly and convincingly. Synergi acts as our compass, guiding us to measure both the tangible and intangible benefits of our work. Unlike Proof of Concept (PoC), which merely shows that an idea or technology is feasible, we go further. It not only uses large language models to accelerate research methods, but also proves that a solution functions and delivers real, measurable value—be it through boosting user satisfaction, driving business revenue, or cutting costs. Synergi focuses on demonstrating the benefits, ROI, and overall impact of the solution on the business and its users.

Differences between traditional PoC and Synergi


Proof of Concept (PoC)



  • Demonstrates feasibility
  • Demonstrates measurable value


  • Can it work?
  • Does it deliver value?


  • Technical viability
  • Business impact, ROI, user satisfaction


  • Technical specifications, performance benchmarks
  • Revenue, cost savings, user satisfaction, efficiency gains


  • Go/no-go decision on implementation
  • Validation of the solution’s overall value and impact

Setting the Stage: The Importance of Synergi

Picture this: your business is considering a new experience design project, with the goal of creating an exceptional user experience that delights and engages your customers. It is crucial to ensure that this investment yields substantial business returns. At Immersion Group, our focus is to provide clear, data-backed evidence demonstrating how our design initiatives translate into measurable business success. By showcasing the project's success from multiple angles, we prove its worth and align every project with principles to deliver measurable value to your business.

Weaving the Metrics: Quantifying the Intangible

So, how do we quantify something as seemingly intangible as user experience? At Immersion Group, we blend quantitative and qualitative measures to provide a comprehensive assessment. Increased user satisfaction, for instance, can be quantified using Net Promoter Scores (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction Scores (CSAT). These metrics capture user sentiments and turn them into actionable data. Similarly, tracking conversion rates, reduced support costs, and engagement metrics can showcase the direct business benefits of your design.

However, numbers alone don’t tell the full story. Understanding user satisfaction and other subjective perceptions requires a nuanced approach. It’s equally important to delve into the qualitative aspects. At Immersion Group, we employ a variety of techniques to capture these subtle yet significant aspects of user experience. Surveys and questionnaires are essential tools, but they must be thoughtfully designed to elicit honest and insightful responses. Open-ended questions, for example, allow users to express their thoughts and feelings in their own words, providing richer data than simple rating scales.

Usability testing sessions, where users interact with the product in a controlled environment, offer another valuable method for gathering qualitative data. These sessions can reveal pain points and areas for improvement that might not be apparent through quantitative metrics alone. By observing users in action, we gain a deeper understanding of their behaviors and preferences, which helps us understand the emotional and experiential value of our designs. This mix of quantitative and qualitative approaches ensures we capture both the heart and the mind of the user experience.

Charting the Course: Key Dimensions of Synergi

To fully grasp the impact of a Synergi, it's essential to consider multiple dimensions of value:

Value to the Business: This is often the primary focus for stakeholders. Metrics like increased revenue, improved customer retention, and reduced operational costs are tangible indicators of success. By linking these metrics to UX improvements, we at Immersion Group demonstrate a direct line from design to business outcomes. A 2018 McKinsey study found that businesses that embrace design, generate 32% more revenue, and 56% more shareholder returns, on average. [1]


Value to the User: Beyond the business metrics, user-centric value is crucial. Enhanced usability, accessibility, and overall satisfaction are key indicators here. These can be measured through user testing, surveys, and behavioral analytics, showing how the design enriches the user’s experience. A Harvard Business Review study found that customers who had the best past experiences spend 140% more compared to those who had the poorest past experience. This study underscores the direct correlation between good customer experience and increased revenue. [2]

Value by Reducing Cost: Efficiency gains are another critical aspect. This includes reduced time spent on support, fewer errors, and streamlined workflows. These improvements not only cut costs but also enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the service. For example, American Airlines reduced the cost of usability fixes on their website by 60-90% by correcting usability problems during the design phase. [3]

Brand Value: A well-designed experience can significantly enhance a brand’s reputation and perceived value. Improvements in customer experience can lead to stronger brand loyalty, increased word-of-mouth referrals, and a better overall market position. This dimension of value can be measured through brand perception surveys, Net Promoter Scores (NPS), and social media sentiment analysis. In a 2017 study Microsoft found that 96% of customers say that customer service is important in their choice of loyalty to a brand. [4]

Value to Employees: Often overlooked, the value of a project to employees can be significant. Improved internal tools, better-designed workflows, and enhanced usability of enterprise systems can lead to higher employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention. Measuring this value can involve employee feedback, productivity metrics, and reductions in training time. A 2020 Harvard Business Review study highlights that companies with a positive employee experience can achieve a 50% increase in revenue and a 45% increase in employee productivity. [5]

Immersion Group ensures a comprehensive evaluation of the value delivered by experience design projects. Our holistic approach captures the full spectrum of benefits, demonstrating the far-reaching impact of our design initiatives.

The Art of Communication: Crafting a Compelling Value Insights Document

Once these insights have been gathered, the next step is to weave them into a compelling narrative—a Value Insights document that clearly demonstrates the benefits to your business. At Immersion Group, our Value Insights documents mix detailed analysis, real-world user testimonials, and clear metrics. It’s not just about presenting data; it’s about telling a story that shows how the design initiative has transformed the user experience and delivered significant value.

Overcoming the Hurdles: Addressing Resistance

Even with a well-crafted Value Insights document, there is still the chance of encountering resistance from within your organisation. Some stakeholders may question the need for investment in user experience (UX) design. This is where Immersion Group’s expertise becomes crucial. We clearly articulate the long-term benefits and provide concrete examples of success to help demonstrate the bigger picture. Our experience shows how experience design initiatives can drive business success, improve customer loyalty, and unlock new value streams, ultimately turning sceptics into supporters.

One effective strategy is to address common concerns head-on. For instance, if budget constraints are a primary issue, we illustrate how investing in experience design can lead to cost savings in the long run by reducing support costs and increasing customer retention. If stakeholders are unsure about the benefits of experience design, provide case studies from similar projects that show tangible improvements in key business metrics.

Conclusion: The Proof is in the Experience

Measuring the success of Synergi in experience design is about weaving a narrative that combines quantitative rigor with qualitative richness. It’s about showing that the value of our work extends beyond the surface, creating lasting impacts for both users and businesses. As we continue to push the boundaries of experience design at Immersion Group, let’s remember that the proof of our value lies not just in what we can measure, but in the transformative experiences we create.

At Immersion Group, we believe that great design is not just about aesthetics or functionality; it's about delivering meaningful value. By focusing on value driven experience we ensure that every project we undertake is not only innovative but also impactful. Our holistic approach to measuring success helps us build stronger, more compelling cases for the value of experience design, ultimately driving better outcomes for our clients and their users.

In a world where the user experience is increasingly becoming a differentiator for businesses, the ability to prove the value of our work is more important than ever. By mastering the art of Synergi, we can confidently navigate the complexities of the modern design landscape, turning challenges into opportunities and ideas into impactful solutions. At Immersion Group, we are committed to leading the way in experience design, one experience at a time.